Dr. Glass is specialty trained to treat all children’s dental needs. Currently he is the only pediatric dental specialist in Texarkana, TX.
If your choice is for your child to see a pediatric dental specialist, make a point to inquire with your dentist before making your child’s dental appointment or give us a call today.

He and his staff love children and are make every effort to put their minds at ease. We teach your children the proper way to take care of their teeth; but just as important, they learn that going to the dentist can be fun. Unlike other dental specialist, your child can be a routine patient at our office and we would love to be a part of their “growing” smiles.

What is a Pediatric Dentist (Pedodontist)?

Pediatric dentistry is one of many dental specialties                                                                (other specialties: oral surgery, orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics)

A pediatric dentist is a doctor of dentistry with two to three years of special training in addition to dental school, and is limited exclusively to the treatment of children, including those with special medical needs. We understand and are experienced in dealing with the unique dental issues and concerns that go along with each stage of childhood.

In the same way that pediatricians are trained to meet a child’s medical needs, pediatric dental specialists are uniquely qualified to protect your child’s oral health. 
Just as there are many options for your child’s medical treatment, there are also many options for your child’s dental treatment. There are many general dentist that do a great job treating children, and even some that limit their entire practice to only treating children but are not specialty trained in pediatric dentistry. As a parent, you should make yourself knowledgable about the choice you have made for your child’s dentist. If your choice is for your child to see a pediatric dental specialist, make a point to inquire with your dentist before making your child’s dental appointment.

Good oral health is an important part of total health. Establishing a pediatric dentist as your child’s “dental home” provides us the opportunity to establish preventive dental habits that help keep your child free from cavities and other dental/oral disease. We focus on prevention, early detection and treatment of dental diseases, as well as dental growth and development. In our office we make sure to stay current on the latest advances in dentistry for the treatment of your child.

If you are interested in finding out more, ask your dentist or give us a call today.

Here is some information from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentist:

What is the difference between a pediatric dentist and a family dentist?
Pediatric dentists are the pediatricians of dentistry. A pediatric dentist has two to three years specialty training following dental school and limits his/her practice to treating children only. Pediatric dentists are primary and specialty oral care providers for infants and children through adolescence, including those with special health needs.
More: The Pediatric Dentist

Pediatric Dentistry Treatments:

  • Infant oral health exams
  • Preventative dental care, including cleaning and fluoride treatments
  • Cavity and tooth defect repair
  • Management of gum diseases and other mouth conditions
  • Habit counseling regarding issues such as thumb/pacifier-sucking, or bottle rot
  • Early assessment and treatment of orthodontics
  • Care for dental emergencies such as fractured teeth
  • Oral sedation treatment and treatment in the hospital setting

Other reasons to choose a pediatric dentist: They know how to examine and treat kids in ways that make kids feel comfortable and less fearful. Usually pediatric offices are decorated with children in mind and equipped with kid-friendly entertainment options and rewards. It’s also less intimidating for children to be surrounded by other kids in the office.

What dental problems could my child have?

Some dental problems begin very early in life. One concern is early childhood caries, a serious condition caused by a child staying on the bottle, breastfeeding or sippy cup too long. Cavities between the teeth are very common. They are not visible without dental x-rays in their early stages of decay. By the time a child has pain associated with these types of cavities, the teeth require more extensive treatment or removal. Another problem is gum disease. About 40% of children two to three years old have at least mild inflammation of gum tissues. Oral habits (such as thumb-sucking) should also be checked. Many oral diseases, such as canker sores, can be treated before they become advanced and cause unnecessary pain for your child. The earlier the dental visit, the better the chances of preventing problems. Strong, healthy teeth help your child chew food easily, speak clearly and feel good about his or her appearance.

Why are baby teeth so important?

Primary teeth are important because they help with proper chewing and eating, help in speech development and add to an attractive appearance. A child who can chew easily, speak clearly and smile confidently is a happier child. Healthy primary teeth allow normal development of the jawbones and muscles, save space for the permanent teeth and guide them into place. If a baby tooth is lost too soon, permanent teeth may come in crooked. Decayed baby teeth can cause pain, abscesses, infections, and can spread to the permanent teeth. Also, your child’s general health can be affected if diseased baby teeth aren’t treated. Remember, some primary molars are not replaced until age ten to fourteen, so they must last for years.

What should I tell my child about the first dental visit?

We are asked this question many times. We suggest you prepare your child the same way that you would before their first haircut or trip to the shoe store. This will not be the frightening experience you may remember from your youth. If you are nervous about the trip, then the less you say the better. You cannot hide your anxiety from a child (they have radar for these things). Have fun reading books about dentistry with your child and encourage play behaviors that mimic a dental visit with your child being the dentist and then the patient. Talk about how the dentist or assistant will help keep your child’s teeth healthy and how they care about children. Your child’s reaction to his first visit to the dentist may surprise you.

What about preventative care?

Tooth decay and children no longer have to go hand in hand. At our office we are most concerned with all aspects of preventive care. We use the latest in sealant technology to protect your child’s teeth. Sealants are space-age plastics that are bonded to the chewing surfaces of decay-prone back teeth. This is just one of the ways we will set the foundation for your child’s lifetime of good oral health. Continual preventive care includes regular check-ups and cleanings with oral hygiene instruction. The timing of these depends on your child’s specific needs, most commonly recommended every six months.

What about sterilization?

Your health and peace of mind are always our primary concern; therefore, we use state-of-the-art sterilization procedures. After each patient’s visit, the treatment area is thoroughly disinfected. We clean and heat sterilize all non-disposable instruments. Our staff members wear gloves and masks during procedures. Please feel free to ask us for information on the measures we take to ensure the safety of you and your children or request a tour of our sterilization area.

adminWhy a Pediatric Dentist?